As foretold in a prophecy, Savitri hears Death calling to claim her beloved husband Satyavan. Savitri welcomes Death with kindness and wisdom. Enchanted by her compassion and entrapped by her guile, Death acknowledges defeat, and restores Satyavan to life. Based on a passage from India's sacred Mahabharata, Savitri brings us right to the gates of our fate with a glistening chamber score and haunting English libretto.
Young Cast Shines in Holst’s Savitri
With the dazzling work of stage director David R. Gammons, Cambridge Chamber Ensemble transformed the entire 47′ x 57′ Great Hall into the performance space, placing the cast amidst the audience as well as on stage. Visually and aurally, this offered a feast of the senses very close to what Holst envisioned as an outdoors in as natural a setting as possible, to envelope the audience inviting them to become a part of the drama.
- Stephen Martorella, The Boston Musical Intelligencer
Opera by Gustav Holst
November 19-21, 2021
Cambridge Chamber Ensemble
Oakes Ames Memorial Hall, North Easton, MA
Photos: David R. Gammons